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Get your clients to buy!

Do you see more value you can bring your clients business? You're convinced but you need to now convert and close the deal?

Here is a simple yet powerful technique. It is very simple and something you can apply today! It has nothing to do with gimmicks or your sales pitch. It has everything to do with your offering. Tweak little things in your proposal or pitch that will convince your clients to buy more (value) from you.

When clients look at your proposal they think of only one thing: do I want to buy this or don't I want to buy this? A yes or no response. The subconscious mind makes those decisions. The subconscious mind only knows yes or know, it doesn't know the meaning of maybe!

They think: can I afford this, focusing on price. Remember, they need to arrive at yes or no. So what do we do? We give them two choices! For example a big popcorn at the movies or a small popcorn. Chances are they will pick a popcorn and that is your goal, right?! Also remember, most people want to play it safe so by giving them two choices you no longer let them decide whether they want to buy a popcorn, you let them think about which one!

Decide which of the two choices you want to sell to them and make that offer very compelling. Use the other offer to help them reach a conclusion that they actually want to buy the offer you want them to buy! Don't forget: our subconscious brain only thinks of yes or no, there is no maybe. Help that subconscious mind of the client to help you sell!

Remember: still give them value!


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