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Design your business experiences by starting at the beginning: The blueprint

Would you build a home without first having an agreed blueprint from your architect? Would you bring in the builders, tilers, painters, plumbers to get to work before they have seen the design of what they are to create? No? Then why in our businesses are we inclined to build our client, employee, partner/vendor experiences without first putting in the deep thought and expertise required to blueprint the experience before we build it?

What’s more, why do we begin crafting experiences for the very people we design for WITHOUT their perspective? That’s like an architect designing a home without so much as talking to the owners. Shouldn’t their needs and wants be understood BEFORE we design? When crafting our user’s experiences with our business, our goal at the onset is to understand THEIR experience needs (deeply) before we can even begin to design an experience enhancement.

The blueprint represents a single view of the entire experience.

This is made up of three parts working together to produce the outcome experienced by the user:

Level 1: the ‘frontstage’ (the user’s actual experience of your business)

Level 2: the ‘backstage’ (the employees rendering the user’s experience of your business)

Level 3: the ‘behind the scenes’ (the business support services enabling employees to render the user’s experience of your business)

Building the entire user experience with our business to the depths of all three levels allows us to deeply consider all perspectives in our design. Crafting a blueprint surfaces pain points, opportunities, gaps and ideas for an enhanced experience. We achieve this when we co-create & co-design it with the business stakeholders, employees, clients.

* Consider the addition of business advisors with experience in business ideation & blueprinting.

As the business works to bring the designed user experience into reality, the blueprint serves as a tool that:

  • Brings all efforts together

  • Creates a shared understanding of the bigger picture

  • Disseminates understanding on what different teams are working on

  • Enables better communication and outcomes

  • Helps in identifying and explaining priorities

  • Exists as a means to stay focussed on zooming in and out

If you have recognised that your client/employee/partner/vendor experience:

1) is a fundamental requirement in today’s service-oriented society, 2) needs to be understood in its entirety in order to identify areas where you can improve, and 3) you want to motivate people throughout your business so that you can work together to improve how users experience your business, then consider the blueprint as a tool to propel your business experience efforts forward.

Advisory for creatives: “Solving niche challenges design businesses face”.


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