Getting your design side hustle up and running from scratch can be overwhelming. Many stop before they have begun, and others give up along the way. This is unfortunate and unnecessary. It doesn't have to be complicated. It's supposed to be exciting and gain momentum as you work through development and making it real. This is why we're sharing our 10 step-by-step process to follow on your design Side Hustle journey.
Step 1: Understand
What you want from a Side Hustle (goals, vision, what you don't want)
What you have to offer (resources, skills, passions, needs, experience, ideas, networks) Step 2: Explore
Side Hustle options (idea/s that match what you want and have to offer) Step 3: Gather information
Research (the Side Hustle requirements, market, others experiences) Step 4: Decide & detail
Decide (drawing up pro’s and con’s, prioritising them, selecting most feasible)
Detail (listing all requirements) Step 5: Create a dummy version
A prototype of your product/service
A mockup of your Side Hustle process Step 6: Test & refine
Validate (test with potential customer/s)
Refine product/service and your process (from feedback gathered in testing) Step 7: Set up Business set up (management tools, processes, finance, templates for invoices etc, tax, registration, brand identity, website) Product/service set up (suppliers, branding)
Step 8: Launch Communicating launch Launching
Step 9: Learn Lessons learnt (used to make iterations to business and the product/service) Launching version 2.0
Step 10: Build and grow Scaling the Side Hustle Good luck and godspeed!