As designers we are forever on a creative journey of growth. And your journey is a valuable one. Businesses realise the rarity of your creative skills as the creative economy beckons. But business still needs a little help in how to foster creative talent and make designers feel at home.
We need to change the way creative performance is reviewed, grown and inspired within businesses. How are you currently being assessed and evaluated? Faced with OKR's, KPI's and a whole bi-annual process of business mumbo jumbo to measure your creative worth? Something doesn't feel right? That's because you cannot measure creatives in the same way business have traditionally been evaluating their employees. It's different, it just is.
We need to employ a human-centered design approach to building employee growth frameworks specifically for you, the designer. We need to customise how creatives are measured and how goals are set for evaluation.
If you think your current bi-annual/self-evaluation could do with a shake up to bring relevance to your design journey at work - put us in touch with the powers that be and we will happily introduce them to a new way to measure designers for business success.
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